If you are a web site owner or publisher, you are probably aware of the value and benefit to be realized from free gifts. They can help to promote your brand, build awareness and generate traffic to your site.
The key action is to offer a free gift up front. Think of something inexpensive but useful that is practical in nature and can be used by your prospective customers. They will appreciate having the item and will think about you and your products every time they use the item.
Have you ever been in the mall and viewed a sign that describes the offering of a free gift with your purchase? Now, what would you do? If you are like most people, you would enter the establishment and determine exactly what it is you must purchase to receive that gift.
We learn at an early age that “free gifts” are the best kind. Of course, most of us believe that the least we have to do to receive them the better. There is always somewhat of a cautionary reaction, however. The words “free” and “gift” motivates us to stop, look, and review what is being stated or claimed.
It is human nature. We all love free stuff. That is why it is vital that you offer a free gift in advance. It is well-known that people love free gifts and enjoy accumulating them. The more you offer them, the more often people will visit. You can immediately generate more traffic to a website by offering free gifts up front. People will surely come. To generate more traffic to your site offer that free gift up front. Even smaller gifts as simple as key chains will attract large numbers of people. It is really quite simple if you think about it.
Don’t hesitate to use the free gift to motivate people to come and visit. You might think this is all a bit shallow, but no strategy for Internet traffic generation is trivial or superficial. After all, Internet marketing and promotion requires persistence and patience.
If you don’t do it this, you could be left behind. Your competitors are most likely doing it anyway to survive. Earning money on the Internet requires that you offer that free gift. It doesn’t have to be anything large or overwhelmingly special. It is important to remember that people love the thought of a free gift. Offer it and you will reap the rewards.
Meanwhile, some site owners are in a quandary as to what they should offer. This depends on the type of industry you are involved in and the nature of the product or service you normally offer. Perhaps you are willing to offer something that has greater substance or value than your competitor. Your mindset might be that a more valuable gift can really pull. Travel providers, for example, sometimes offer incentive vacation certificates. These are offered free to people for a variety of purposes. Of course, everyone likes something for free, and the offer of a freebie with an online purchase is frequently all that is needed to persuade the prospect to make the purchase. If this works when the free gift is only another ebook, think of the response when it is a free vacation, free hotel rooms or even a flight.
These certificates can also be used by offline sales companies to ensure that prospective customers will be at home when the sales representative calls. This will usually be arranged by a prior phone call. When a free cruise to Mexico or the Bahamas is offered, the householder generally will listen to the salespersons presentation, whether they place an order or not. This is usually enough to keep them at home and to respond with interest to the phone call.
Business is beginning to understand what has been known online for many years. Provide free gifts. Gifts are not new in traditional businesses, but have not always been used to their full potential. There is evidence that sales can increase by more than 30% by using vacation certificates.
Now is a great time to use these certificates or something similar as the basis for a profitable online business. There are a wide variety of incentive certificates available, ranging from vacations, flights and hotel rooms to such items as legal and dental discounts memberships, golf club memberships, auto discounts, meals and more. You are not limited in any way as to what certificates you can market.
However you approach this, do not lose sight of the power of freebies with your website marketing. Include it as an integral part of your overall marketing and sales strategy and you will reap the rewards.