Use The Power Of Niche Blogs To Generate Income Online
If your into internet marketing chances are you have a website or two, making you some money. You could increase your income dramatically by using niche blogs. Many people have already discovered the power of using blogs to generate income online. They may use blogs to promote products as an affiliate, sell their own product, or monetize them with adsense. If you want to create a decent income from using niche blogs you are going to need more than one or two sites. You will need to create your own little empire of niche blog sites. How would you go about achieving this? It's not as hard as you may think. There are many resources out there which are free and some you will have to pay for to start your own empire. However, creating an empire of niche blogs mainly consits of three elements. 1. First off you need a niche site. That is you need to find a niche and then build a site around it. There are almost an unlimited number of niches out there waiting to be expoilted. 2. Content. You need content for your site. Original content is always the best. If you don't have original content there are other ways of getting some, outsourcing being one of them. 3. Promotion. You need people to visit your site. So you must start promoting your site which ever way you can. Through the search engines and pay per click advertising, other blogs, articles and any other means you can think of. Once all the above is done and you have your first niche site up, just start over with another niche topic and repeat. Soon you will have your own empire of niche mini sites generating income for you month after month. You can find out more at Build Niche Empires
Michael Moyssidis is an internet marketer currently working with niche blogs
More... The Importance of Search Engine Optimization in any Online Business
The thought of starting an internet business can be frightening to say the least, especially when you are an "internet newbie". Those who claim to be experts - and some undoubtedly are not - assure us throught any media available, especially their website advertisement, that their method is the "one" that will "work" to get you started in achieving unlimited wealth NOW, with as little work or effort as possible. For the newcomer, the choices can be both frustrating and overwhelming, especially that you are not able to tell the scammers from the sincere. With all the recommentations likely to be made by these experts, however, there is one common menu ingredient that every one of them will have on his agenda, and that is the optimization of search engine in their online business. Search engine optimization, a fancy term for a specialized tool used to aggressively do the work you could not, in the amount of time you could not, to get the result you could not, without it. For more information go HERE
I am a middle-aged Jamaican woman who likes to dabble in writing.
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More...Drive Traffic to Your Blog
There are many factors that make blogs much better than normal WebPages including the speed at which blogs are indexed, ability to submit to blog directories & normal directories, pings and track backs. All these little things can help drive more traffic to blogs. Here are 15 popular techniques you can use: 1.) Create at least four keyword posts per day. Most of the top blogs such as Boing Boing, Daily Kos, and Instapundit (with literally tens of thousands of visitors per day) publish an average of 30 small 100-150 word posts per day according to "Secrets of the A-list Bloggers: Lots of Short Posts" by 2.) Submit to My Yahoo! When you submit your own RSS to My Yahoo it is indexed by Yahoo. 3.) Submit to Google's Reader. When you submit your own blog RSS to Google's Reader the Google Blog Search will index your site. 4.) Add a relevant link directory to your blog and trade links like a demon possessed! Although it may take more time than simply submitting to a search engine one time, this method is perhaps the best way to drive traffic to your site. Use software such as Zeus to speed up the link trading process. 5.) Use ping sites like ping-o-matic. Ping your site every time you add a new post. 6.) Submit your blog to traditional search engines such as AltaVista, and MSN. 7.) Submit your blog to traditional directories such as DMOZ. Directories (particularly DMOZ) increase relevance with Google. DMOZ is very picky, but what do you have to lose by trying? 8.) Submit to as many RSS Directories and Search Engines as possible. This is a simple but repetitive process that can be done with software such as RSS SUBMIT. 9.) Comment on other blogs. Do not just leave short, lazy comments like "I agree." Leave well thought out replies that will force readers to wonder "who wrote this?" 10.) Use track backs. If there is a blog that you refer to or quote and it is highly relevant to your subject, leave a track back. It increases your link popularity and may even score a few interested readers from the linked site. 11.) Go offline. Use newspaper ads, public bulletin boards, business cards, even stickers to let as many people as possible know your blog exists. 12.) Ad a link to your blog in your e-mail signature block. 13.) Use Groups (Usenet). Find a relevant group on Google groups, Yahoo groups, MSN groups or any of the thousands of other FREE group services and find like minded people and talk with them. Make sure your use your blog URL like it is your name. 14.) Use Forums. Forums are one of the best places to go for advice. Go to forums and find problems to solve. Make sure you leave your blog name, but be tactful about it; some forums get annoyed with those who selfishly drop a few links to their own site and leave. 15.) Tag your website. Tagging is a new idea that has erupted across the web. Sites like, Technorati and many others have a social feature that allows you to place your article under keywords or "tags" that everyone interested in that tag can see. Although these are some of the most popular ways to drive traffic to your blog, do not limit your self to tips and lists. Use your imagination and you will come up with thousands of ways to drive traffic to your blog! Visit to find a complete selection of free ebooks, tools, utilities, articles and home bussiness ideas.
Araceli Molina is the owner and creator of where you can find a complete selection of free ebooks, tools, utilities, articles and home bussiness ideas.
More...Blogging to the Bank 2.0 Review
What really is Blogging to the Bank 2.0?
It seems nowadays that People have lost hope in online marketing. Why? Is it the rapid changes in the industry? The Enormous amounts of crappy eBooks misleading you? Or perhaps the perfect combination of both? Well let me spit this out, online marketing is not rocket science itâs very real and alive.
I honestly think the hardest part of starting online marketing is finding the right information to help get you started correctly. I mean câmon how many â$575,538.32 in LESS than 30 daysâ Sites havenât you been on? Wow, Half a million in less than a month seems pretty sweet to me, donât you think?
Well yeah my point exactly. The site is appealing and the headlines make your heart ecstatic, but guess what? Itâs Garbage. (Donât get me wrong half a mill a month online is possible, just not in your FIRST month)
So there goes your precious time, money and effort down the drain, along with the fire you had for making money online.
Well cheer up buttercup, because The Aim of this article is to guide you the right path. Blogging to the Bank 2.0 is a system that I have been using month after month to generate me thousands upon thousands of dollars by sampling having my personal online journal.
Thatâs right! Using the power of Blogging (Fancy word for Web log) you too can grab a piece of the cash pie.
Blogging to the Bank 2.0 is the Latest eBook on Blog marketing by renown author Rob Benwell, whose early version of Blogging to the Bank 1.0 exploded hitting the Clickbank number 1 spot and staying in the top 20 for around 12 months.
I really loved how Rob, kept his âShort, sweet and conciseâ style of writing on his updated version. This easy to read 61 page book takes you hand-in-hand with photo examples on how to:
- Create your Blog in 5 minutes.
- Market Research & Keyphrase Lists (The easy way)
- Owning Your Blogs - Domains & Hosting (The CHEAP WAY, your going to love this)
- Making Your Blog POP (Stand out, get noticed, Make CASH)
- Content (If you hate write, Then heâs got you covered)
- Optimizing Your Blog (Your going to LOVE THIS)
- Pinging (Web 2.0 Magic)
- Promotion & Backlinks
- Web 2.0 Traffic & Promotion
- Outsourcing & Building Your Blog Empire
The way this book just grabs you and gets you started so quick, is just new and refreshing.
As you can tell by now Blogging to the Bank 2.0 is the clear choice for starters and experts when it comes to banking in with Blogs. Just The fact that you donât need to spend days or weeks creating a site to make money online anymore should show you how easier making money online has gotten!
So donât be scared and TAKE A LOOK! The choice is clear cut.
Choose The clear path to profits and read about
Blogging to the Bank 2.0.
More...Get Started Blogging
The internet is growing at a rapid pace as more and more people realise the benefits of being online. As it grows so to does
the ease at which people can build a presence online, from wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) web page builders to very competitive web hosting rates with each passing say more and more people are staking a claim on their own corner of the internet.
One of the fastest growing ways for people to make themselves known online is through blogging. Whether they want a blog to
share their personal lives or to earn an extra income people are discovering just how easy it can be.
Setting up a blog, either on a free blog provider or you own hosting can be done within minutes and because you donât need any html knowledge to create a multi-page blog even those that were hesitant at first quickly realise just how easy it can be.
Blogs can cover a variety of topics and can be used for many different purposes: whether itâs a way to share your personal thoughts or opinions, a chance to promote your online or offline business or generate interest in your favourite charity or recreational activity thereâs really no limit in what you can do. While each blog platform and host may have their respective terms or uses thereâs sure to be one that suits your needs.
If youâd like to make yourself known online or promote your business but you are concerned that it might be too hard to start your own website, perhaps you should look into blogging, you might be surprised at just how easy and how much fun it can be.
If you'd like to know more about blogging or would like some tips and advice to enhance your blog please visit Vanessa at href="">A Guide To Blogging or learn how to build your own income earning websites and blogs